Ideally, I should make the time to blog soon after each church visit. That way the memories are fresh and I can write a more detailed and accurate account. Unfortunately, I have visited four more churches in the last six weeks and didn't get off my ass to write anything.
I'm going to write a quick synopsis of each visit and will likely expound on the interesting ones at a later date. Six weeks ago, "Sally" and I went to a methodist church. It was ordinary and boring to me but she took some comfort in familiar traditions.
That was all to change the next week when she agreed to join me at a Jehovah's Witness service. It was similar to mormon services in several ways and they were by far the friendliest church to date (don't worry I didn't drink the kool aid). They were very surprised that we fund them on the Internet and remarked that we were the first people who came looking for them.
The following week my parents were in town (that's a blog in itself) so of course we went to the mormon church. This time Sally did not come but my sons did. They joined us for the first meeting and were rescued by my wife while I accompanied my parents for two more hours of church. I even shaved and put on a suit and tie (what a sucker). During their week long visit, I was reminded of just why I left home in the first place. But that's for another time...
Finally, I went to a Navajo service on the rez on the next Sunday. This time, I was sent to "English-speaking" Sunday school with the preacher and 2 ladies. The remaining congregation (minus the kids) attending the "Navajo-speaking" school. Our lesson was about Abraham and the commandment to kill his son. I refrained from the typical atheistic objections (mostly because I was the only white guy within miles with no transportation). I even answered some discussion questions with respect and thoughtfulness. My intentions are to experience the religion of others not to challenge them on their home turf.
After the lesson, we all met for worship service (which was mostly in Navajo) and I think I actually fell asleep. I don't remember much except they were praying for the conversion of traditional Navajos so they too would share in the joy of Jesus. After the sermon and several hymns, we were served lunch and returned home.
This will serve as some rudimentary account of my last four churches but I do hope to be more vigilant in my writings. I also decided that worship services and sermons are getting me nowhere. Sally and I are planning to attend a penecostal service soon and I need to try other faiths (i.e. judaism, islam, buddhism, etc.) but I want to spend more time with christians in bible study classes. It is pretty late so I will head off to bed. I'm supposed to be at work in less than six hours.
HAHHAHAHAHA Im stil laughing about you coming after the Johevahs witness's GOOD STUFF !!!
Thanks... the funniest part about going to different churches with "Sally" was that (even though she is a Christian and I'm not) she was always more scared and nervous. This was especially true for the Jehovah's Witnesses. ;-D
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